
天之道,損有餘而補不足。查漏補缺,借力使力,故長短互補是可以互相轉化並和諧均衡而存在的。三冠牌RF圓扁針織網就是利用圓紗和扁紗互補交織的原理,自創一格,完美呈獻,欣欣向榮。三冠牌RF圓扁針織網,是採用100% 正牌新料加抗紫外線吸收劑,經紗是圓紗,緯紗是扁紗編織而成平整高密度針織網。兩利相權取其重,兩害相權取其輕。圓紗和扁紗各有其特點。圓紗的特性,絲徑0.25 mm,較有彈性、抗風力強度較優、透風性優、透氣性高、質感較佳。扁紗單尼數450 丹的特性是抽薄膜堆沏條狀、較無彈性、抗風力強度稍弱、具有好加工性質、透風性較低、透氣性低、易定型、網面較平整、可作風格造型設計。加加減減之後織成三冠牌RF圓扁紗針織網修補了平織網耐用度不足之缺點,增加了圓紗針織網的密度,織面更為高密度平整有型,厚度也比較厚,網面也比較硬挺,大大提升了質感度,經過實測密度或遮光率都比一般針織網好,耐久年限也比一般的平織遮光網高。

三冠牌 RF圓扁紗針織網,遮光率(密度)有兩種RF6380 ( 80% )、RF6390 ( 90% )。顏色有藍、綠、橘、銀、黑等。可以組合成各種彩色遮陽網、或彩色休閒網。說質感有質感,說遮陽有遮陽,說耐用有耐用,說實用有實用,說華麗有華麗,說隔熱有隔熱,說顏值有顏值,說CP值有CP值,說變化有變化,真有一種神龍見首不見尾,千變萬化的感覺。故其使用地點和方法最不受限,大多用於遮蔭網、休閒網、隔間網、裝飾網、圍籬網、防風網等。可以給需求者依自己的喜好自行搭配變化,最普遍是被採用於遮蔭網以保護太陽底下的車輛,物品等。特別是夏季時強光烈日照射所引起的日曬高溫,有遮蔭網下好乘涼、好庇蔭、好有安全感。

千虛不如一實,百聞不如一見。請看圖片是三冠牌RF圓扁針織網,最具代表性的代表作之一,除了實用之遮陽網之外,還有一種藝術品創作的呈現,讓大家認知到RF圓扁針織遮陽網除了講究實用,樸實無華之外,也可以有很時尚華麗的一面,如彩色組合之遮陽風箏等,不在此一一提及了。 最重要的是經得起風吹日曬的試煉,還經的起時間的考驗,厚積薄發才能長久受人擁戴,而不會曇花一現而消失在時空的洪流中,這才是硬實力。

時光荏苒,歲月如梭。只要功夫下的深,鐵杵也能磨成繡花針。歲月考驗著一切,歲月也是紮實的煉金石一旬(10幾年),正邁向第二輪24年的目標,三冠牌RF圓扁針織網以顧大局、看長遠 保大利的利基點,依舊閃閃發光,屹立在時間的銀河中,其堅韌耐用持久力,廣受喜愛度,不言而喻。

#煥坤公司 #三冠牌 #RF針織網 #圓扁紗針織網 #RF6380 #RF6390 #遮陽風箏



HunkunNET Innovative RF Round Flat Yarn Knitting Net-Leisure Color Net、Shade Net、Insulation Net.

【HunkunNET RF Knitted Net】

Less and more make up for balance. Checking for gaps and filling gaps, using strengths, so long and short mutual views can be transformed into each other and exist in harmony and balance. The HunkunNET round flat yarn knitting net RF is to make use of the principle of complementarily.

HunkunNET RF round flat knitting net, warp yarn is round yarn, weft yarn flat yarn intertwined woven. Round yarn and flat yarn have their own advantages. The characteristics of round yarn, the diameter of the wire is 0.25 mm, it is more elastic, the wind resistance is better, the air permeability is good, and the air permeability is high. The characteristic of flat yarn number 450 denier is the wire diameter, the film is drawn, the strip is inelastic, and the wind resistance is slightly weaker. The processing properties are easy to shape, the air permeability is low, the shape is easy, and the net is more even.

HunkunNET RF round flat yarn knitting net improves the shortcomings of the durability of the flat woven net, increases the density of the round yarn knitting net, the woven surface is more beautiful and stylish, the thickness is relatively thick, and the net surface is also relatively stiff. The texture is improved. The measured durability and shading rate are better than ordinary plain woven Net, and the durability is higher than the ordinary shading net.

RF Round flat yarn knitting net. There are two kinds of shading rate (density) RF6380 (80%), RF6390 (90%) The colors are blue, green, orange, silver and black, which can be combined into a variety of color nets, saying that the texture is textured, that the durability is durable, that the practical is practical, that gorgeous is gorgeous, that the insulation is thermal, that the face value is the face value, and the CP The value of CP has the value , the change has the change and the elasticity has the elasticity.

Therefore, its use method and way are the most unrestricted, and most of them are used in leisure net compartment nets, decorative net compartment nets, and fence nets are most commonly used in shade nets. The high temperature of the sun caused by the strong sun and the sun can cool off under the shaded net.

Thousand virtual is not as good as it is, and one hundred times is not as good as seeing. The following picture is the HunkunNET RF round flat yarn knitted net, one of the most representative masterpieces, in addition to the practical sunshade net, there is also a kind of artwork creation presentation, such as combine colorful shade sail ..etc.

Let everyone realize that in addition to being unpretentious, RF round flat knitted shading nets can also be very fashionable and gorgeous. The most important thing is that they can stand the test of wind and sun, and also withstand the test of time. . Instead of disappearing in a flash of time and space.

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle, the HunkunNET RF round flat knitted net online market has gone through three decades, and it has moved towards half century. The depth of kung fu, the iron pestle can also be ground into an embroidery needle. HunkunNET RF round flat knitted nets take into account the overall situation, look at the long-term, and protect the niche point of view still sparkling, standing in the long river of time, its toughness and durability and popular in everywhere are self-evident.

#HunkunNET #RFknittednet #Roundflatyarnknittednet #RF6380 #RF6390 #Shadesail

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