煥坤企業三冠牌 46 年來,長期提供透明白色、傳統綠色、藍色防蟲網(Insect Net),直到近期推出桃紅網、赤色網;現又透過産官學合作,積極研發新的機能性盲蟲網、驅蟲網、隔絕網、透光網、耐候網...凡走過必留痕跡,起心動念無一不是為了滿足廣泛農民大眾,各自不同的農作防蟲遮陽需求,期許成為一家農網百貨公司,若要科技農網,找煥坤三冠牌 HunkunNET 就對了...
三冠牌防蟲網織法有平織防蟲網和針織防蟲網兩種。網目大小有16 目 (WA1616 ), 24目 (WA2424 ) 和32 目(WA3232 ), 40目 (WA4032 ),50目 ( WA5032 )等等。顏色有白色,綠色,藍色,桃紅色和紅色等等。尺寸寬度從 2尺到 14尺寬 ,長度: 100 尺 ~ 300 尺,不一而足,煥坤公司會盡力滿足農耕者種植各類蔬菜之防蟲網需求。
#煥坤 #三冠牌 #HunkunNET #產官學合作 #科技農網 #穿透率 #光譜分析 #桃紅網
#透明白網 #傳統綠網 #藍色網 #赤色網 #InsectNet #農網百貨公司 #機能性防蟲網
#機能性農網 #針織防蟲網 #平織防蟲網 #WA1616 #WA2424 #WA3232 #WA5032 #WA4032
Cloud thinking about change, flowers thinking about appearance, net thinking about insect run away
[Colorful insect screen]
Cloud are thinking change, flowers are thinking appearance, the net are thinking insect get away and if it weren't for the color net would meet in the sun. Life requires not only creativity, but also innovation in growing vegetables. In a society where the environment is changing rapidly, if traditional farming methods are still used, the harvest will only become less and less. Therefore, only continuous improvement of planting methods is the current way of farming. The use of HunkunNET knitted insect net to isolate pests and let the vegetables grow naturally and healthily is united by everyone and everyone is expected.
Some vegetable farmers have great abilities and put together various colors of insect nets. The waves are magnificent, graceful, and beautiful. It is because they understand that the world is colorful, how to coexist peacefully with pests, and they know how to constantly try and take risks, and use various colors to combine insect nets to form an acre planting demonstration field. Go ahead and be the leader bravely to benefit the followers behind.
HunkunNET insect nets have two types: plain weave insect nets and knitted weaving insect nets. The mesh size is 16 mesh (WA1616), 24 mesh (WA2424) and 32 mesh (WA3232), 40 mesh (WA4032), 50 mesh (WA5032) and so on. The colors are white, green, blue, pink and red and so on. The size is from 2 feet to 14 feet width, and the length is from 100 feet to 300 feet. Hun Kun Enterprise Co., Ltd. will try its best to meet the needs of farmers for planting various types of vegetable insect nets.
Insect nets produce by a kind heart, and godsend treasure nets return true. Some people saw the vitality of the color net, while others saw the whole world. Knowing the universe, but still has a pity for the crops grows. Through doing by hand to touch the truth, goodness and beauty of life in farming.
#HunkunNET #Insectnet #Knittedinsectnet #Plaininsectnet #WA1616 #WA2424 #WA3232 #WA4032 #WA5032