

飄來飄去為遮網,停留駐足為避暑。藍來桃紅為配色,賞心悅目有涼意。夏天避暑網顯神功,三冠牌懸掛網隔熱降溫遮陽有一套,處處遮陽處處涼。舉凡前庭後院、停車場、屋頂、 屋簷下、後花園、涼亭、空地、需要乘蔭處,想搭哪裡就搭哪裡,想搭多大面積, 就搭多大面積,想要顏色搭配,就用顏色搭配。如您所想,如您所願,有搭就有差,稱了君心也消了暑意。 
三冠牌TA 懸掛網遮陽效果好,目前有三種顏色 : 藍色、綠色、桃紅色可供搭配,看您怎麼配都出色。「在藍色、桃紅色網搭配下,明暗度有差,但溫度差別不大,視覺感受也完全不同,正午時分溫差不到1 ℃,實際上只差0 .4 ℃,有圖為證。」三冠牌TA 懸掛網 ,雙邊織面共66 公分,垂鬚鬚 60 cm,風阻係數小,經得起風吹日曬雨淋,長度250 M,一捲約可搭 85 坪的面積。懂得如何布局避暑,便可搭出自己的防曬大遮陽,三冠牌TA懸掛網可說是搭大面積防曬網的最佳選擇,既可省時省工又省力也省心。
#三冠牌  #懸掛式遮陽網 #TA懸掛網 



HunkunNET Hanging shading Net-Blue and Peach Net, one set of sunshade, heat insulation and cooling
[HunkunNET TA Shading Net] 

Floating around to hide from the net, stop to escape the heat. Blue to pink is the color scheme, which is pleasing and cool. 
The summer shelter net shows its magic, and the HunkunNET hanging shading net has a set of heat insulation, cooling and sun shading, and the sun is cool everywhere. For example, forecourts and backyards, parking lots, roofs, under eaves, back yards, pavilions, open spaces, and shaded areas, you can build wherever you want to build, and build as much area as you want, and match colors if you want . As you think, as you wish, there is a difference. if there is a match, and you will be relieved by your heart.
The HunkunNET TA hanging shading net has a good shading effect. There are currently three colors: blue, green, and peach for matching. You can match it well. With the blue and pink nets, the brightness is different, but the temperature is not big difference, and the visual experience is completely different. The temperature difference at noon is less than 1 ℃, in fact, the difference is only 0.4 ℃, as shown in the picture. The HunkunNET TA hanging shading net has a total woven surface of 66 cm on both sides, a vertical whisker of 60 cm, a low wind resistance coefficient, and can withstand wind, sun and rain. The length is 250 M, and one roll can take up an area of about 85 square meters. Knowing how to lay out the summer sun, you can build your own sun shading net. 
The HunkunNET TA hanging shading net can be said to be the best choice for large-area sun protection netting, which saves time, labor, and wages.
Wiser who understand know how to choose, and those who are happy know how to sun protect. The HunkunNET TA hanging shading net is a craftsmanship and a manifestation of practical skills. Outdoors, there should be no sun baking, and hope that all the nets are using on the HunkunNET.
#HunkunNET #Hangingshadingnet #TAshadingnet

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