【三冠牌懸掛式遮陽網TL、TM、TU 】
一網打盡遮陽、防曬、裝飾全方位一把罩,抗熱大作戰,幫您找到避暑妙方。近朱者赤、近墨者黑、近陽者熱。好書讓人愛不釋手,好酒讓人品味良久,好的遮陽網讓人消暑有涼感。炎炎夏日又悶又熱 ,戶外、家用避暑,善用遮陽小物,選對遮陽網,也能有效解身體的熱。在此推薦三冠牌懸掛式遮陽透氣網,能加強空氣對流,遮陽效果佳,通風涼爽,久待其下也不覺得悶熱,從早到晚都保持蔭涼。
三冠牌懸掛式遮陽網 TL、TM、TU 從顏色上來說,從前提供的是藍色、綠色和橘色。現在新推出一款亮麗的顏色 : 桃紅色。桃紅色是大方熱情的象徵,讓人看了有好心情、充滿活力。三冠牌懸掛式遮陽網,除了遮陽遮蔭外,也可以用來裝飾用,營造自己想要的氛圍風格,如海洋風、自然風、夢想風、艷麗風等,在各種環境中展現一貫的的活力與熱情與溫暖,用最搶眼與舒適的方式,向世界索取注目禮。
三冠牌彩色流蘇網適用於幼稚園點綴、遊樂園裝飾、停車場、頂樓、庭院 或各種場所之顏色裝飾或戶外游泳池之遮陽網,使用方式無界限,點綴方式無邊界,裝飾方式無要求,遮陽方法無限制。
#煥坤公司 #三冠牌 #懸掛式遮陽網
#彩色遮陽網 #彩色流蘇網 #TL #TM #TU
HunkunNET Peach Shade Net debuts with a hood
【HunkunNET Suspension Shade Nets TL, TM, TU】 One net can provide shade, sun protection, decorate , fight against heat, and help you find a magical solution for summer. Good books make people put it down, good wine makes people taste for a long time, and good shading nets make people feel cool. It is hot and sultry in hot summer days. Outdoors and homes can avoid summer heat. Make good use of small shades. Choosing the right shade net can also effectively relieve the heat of the body. Here we recommend the HunkunNET hanging sunshade ventilation net, which can enhance the air convection, good shading effect, cool ventilation, and do not feel sultry after a long time, keep it cool from morning to night.
HunkunNET hanging shade net TL, TM, TU from the color, in the past provided blue, green and orange. Now there is a new bright color: Peach is a symbol of generous enthusiasm, which makes people feel good and full of energy. In addition to shading effect, the HunkunNet hanging shade net can also be used for decoration, creating the atmosphere style you want, such as ocean style, natural style, dream world, gorgeous world, etc., showing consistent in various environments The vitality and enthusiasm and warmth of the world, in the most eye-catching and comfortable way, ask for attention from the world.
HunkunNET peach color tassel mesh is suitable for color decoration of kindergarten, decoration of amusement park, parking lot, attic, courtyard or various places or shading net of outdoor swimming pool. There is no limit to the way of use, there is no border to the way of embellishment, no decoration method. No restrictions.
We watched the sunrise and sunset in front of the court, and followed the clouds and clouds. The summer is cool , and the meaning of the four seasons decoration. HunkunNET hanging sunshade net is the strongest weapon, the most beautiful thing, will never fade.
#HunkunNET #Hangingsunshadenet #Colorfulsunshadenet #Color tassel net