有機栽培的蟲害剋星,三冠牌防蟲網。情網難收,蟲網難入。學藝望出師,種蔬果望豐收。上工治未病,下工治已病。三冠牌防蟲網就是治未病,其材質是塑膠PE,使用嚴選100%正牌新料加抗紫外線吸收劑,圓紗絲徑0.19 mm,抗拉強度大,耐腐蝕、耐日曬、堅韌耐用。根據一英吋之經緯紗條數,網目數有分16目、24目、32目和40目等不一而論。網目大小關係到遮光性、透氣性、通風性和防害蟲之種類。三冠牌防蟲網顏色有白色、綠色、銀色和機能性桃紅色網等。選擇防蟲網網目是依據其種植蔬果的特性而選擇合適的防蟲網。台灣負有花卉蔬果之盛名,四季皆盛產水果,各地皆有其特產,如燕巢芭樂、林邊蓮霧、高雄蜜棗、屏東愛文芒果等等,可謂如數家珍。而人類需要攝取的各種五花八門的維他命皆在蔬果中。而三冠牌24目防蟲網WA2424是最適合用於種植各類蔬果的防蟲網,因其孔徑只有0.86 mm,其通風性佳,可防飛蛾、蜘蛛、螳螂、隱翅蟲、果蠅等害蟲效果非常好,對於要種植各類蔬果的農民是不可或缺的生財利器,因為它是最佳的害蟲剋星。


1 防病蟲害,果樹覆蓋上三冠牌防蟲網WA2424,由於阻隔了吸果夜蛾、果蠅等多種水果害蟲的發生傳播途徑,並間接減少農藥的使用。
2 防霜凍,履霜堅冰至,水果早春或秋收時期易遭霜凍,比如對枇杷幼果時期的霜害或柑橘果實成熟期的冷害有十分明顯的防霜凍的效果。 
6.可減少果實表面刮傷,風大時果實容易因擦枝而產生刮傷,覆蓋上三冠牌防蟲網WA2424 可減少風阻並降低果實擦枝刮傷,比如棗子。

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Pest Nemesis-HunkunNET Insect Net WA2424
Organically cultivated insect pest nemesis of HunkunNET's insect net
Love is difficult to describe and bug nets hard to enter. Learning a skill, look out for success. We grow fruits and vegetables are hoping for a good harvest. A doctor cure the disease, A good doctor teach how to prevent get sick in advance. The HunkunNET insect Net is used to prevent the insect in advance. Its material is plastic PE, using carefully selected 100% genuine raw materials and anti-ultraviolet absorbent. The diameter of the round yarn is 0.19 mm. Tough and durable. According to the number of warp and weft yarns of one inch, the mesh number is divided into 16 mesh, 24 mesh, 32 mesh and 40 mesh. The size of the mesh is related to the type of shading rate, breathability, ventilation and pest control. HunkunNET insect nets are available in white, green, silver and functional peach colors. The selection of insect nets is based on the characteristics of the vegetables and fruits they choose the right insect net. Taiwan is famous for its flowers, vegetables and fruits. Fruits are abundant in all seasons, and there are special products everywhere, such as Swallow Nest Bangle, Linbian Lotus, Kaohsiung Sweet Date, Pingtung Aiwen Mango, etc.
The various vitamins that humans need to ingest are all in fruits and vegetables. The HunkunNET 24 mesh insect net WA2424 is the most suitable insect net for planting all kinds of vegetables and fruits. Because its aperture is only 0.86 mm, its ventilation is good, and it can prevent moths, spiders, praying mantises, and Cryptosporidium. Insect pests such as fruit flies are very effective, and they are an indispensable tool for making money for farmers who want to grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables, because it is the best pest nemesis.

The use of HunkunNET Insect Net WA2424 for planting fruits  has the following advantages:

1 Prevention of diseases and insect pests, fruit trees are covered with the HunkuNET insect net WA2424. The occurrence and transmission of insects, and indirectly reduce the use of pesticides.
2 Anti-frost, the ice is strong, the fruit is susceptible to frost during early spring or autumn harvest, such as the frost damage of loquat young fruit or the formation of citrus fruit Cold damage during maturity has a very obvious anti-frost effect.
3. Prevent falling fruit, the fruit harvest period, most afraid of the rainstorm or typhoon, the fruit is easily blown to the ground, once covered HunkunNET insect net, the phenomenon of fruit drop Significantly reduced.
4. It can buffer the maturity period, covering it with insect nets has a 20% shading rate, can prevent direct light, and can delay the ripening period of the fruit by one week. On the other hand, if it is too late to complete one-time harvesting, it is a good idea to adopt segmented harvesting.
5. The Internet is exhausted. Such as grapes, dragon fruit, Loquat and other high-priced fruits, need a pack bags to ensure the harvest quality. Covering the HunkunNET Insect Net WA2424 without package of bags, saving time, labor and environmental protection.
6. It can reduce the scratch on the surface of the fruit. When the wind is strong, the fruit is easy to be scratched due to the rubbing branches. Covering with the HunkunNET Insect Net WA2424 can reduce it wind resistance and reduce fruit scratches, such as dates.
7. The temperature of the net room can be adjusted, and the temperature difference is large. The HunkunNET insect net is covered to adjust the indoor temperature of the net and maintain the humidity of the soil.
8. Prevent bird damage, fruit trees covered with HunkuNET insect net WA2424, not only helps to increase production, but also prevents bird damage, especially for fruits that are prone to bird food, such as grapes, guava and tomato is a good idea for covering insect nets for against bird food.

9. The quality of the fruit is relatively stable and the quality concept is most afraid of unevenness. covering the HunkunNET Insect Net WA2424, the growth conditions are standardized and perfect, and the quality of the harvested fruit is relatively stable and the CP value is high.

Looking at the advantages of using HunkunNET Insect Net WA2424, Hun Kun Enterprise Co., Ltd. promotes the modernization of the production facilities of agricultural technology in the Wimbledon Room, and is the driving force for research and development, so as to build a domestic high-quality and safe agricultural product production system, and strengthen the disaster prevention and resilience capabilities of the agricultural and food industry. The Hun Kun Enterprise Co., Ltd. takes this as its own responsibility, and hopes to make a little effort in the industry. After all, for Hun Kun Enterprise Co., Ltd, the gold trophy and silver trophy are not as good as the public's reputation.

#HunkunNET #Insectnet #WA2424 #Functionalinsectnet #Pestnemesisinsectnet #Peachinsectnet


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